Update AD EmployeeNumber Attribute From CSV File

2014-06-04 Initial Post

The other month I needed to update the EmployeeNumber attribute of all Active Directory user accounts based on a CSV file generated from Oracle HRMS. You may modify this script to update a different attribute, such as EmployeeID.

#Script updated 2014-03-31, created 2014-03-06, by SysAdmin-E.com.
#PURPOSE: Takes a CSV input file that contains "E-mailAddress,EmployeeNumber" on each line (DO NOT include header in CSV file).
# Searches AD for user account that has the e-mail address as its primary address.
# If found, update that respective AD account with the corresponding EmployeeNumber.
#There is some limited error checking and a status file is generated after script completion.
#I was not able to get the Import-Csv command to work correctly so I used Get-Content to grab data from the input file.
#Tested against Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 AD.
$strFilePathInput = "X:\TempPowerShell\setAD-EmployeeNumberINPUT.csv"
$strFilePathOutput = "X:\TempPowerShell\setAD-EmployeeNumberOUTPUT.csv"
Get-Content $strFilePathInput | ForEach-Object{
$strUserInfoLineFromFile = $_
$strUserEmailAddress = $strUserInfoLineFromFile.Split(",")[0]
$strUserEmployeeNumber = $strUserInfoLineFromFile.Split(",")[1]
If($objADuser = Get-ADUser -Filter {mail -eq $strUserEmailAddress }) #The mail attribute is the primary/reply e-mail address.
Set-ADUser $objADuser -EmployeeNumber $strUserEmployeeNumber
If($?) #If True, which means previous command (set EmployeeNumber) was successful. Invalid e-mail address or insufficient AD permissions will make this False.
"OK - Updated," + $strUserInfoLineFromFile | Out-File -Append $strFilePathOutput
"ERROR - Could not update," + $strUserInfoLineFromFile | Out-File -Append $strFilePathOutput
"E-mail address has no primary match," + $strUserInfoLineFromFile | Out-File -Append $strFilePathOutput

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