Exchange 2010 Resource Mailbox – Forward Requests to Delegates Not Working
2011-12-25 Updated
2011-12-18 Initial post
Tested with Exchange Server 2010 SP1
This was a bit tricky as I couldn’t find any good documentation when I was researching this the other week (Nov 2011), even though Exchange 2010 has been out for some time now. From reading, you’d think that selecting the check box for "Forward meeting requests to delegates" would be all that's needed, but there are actually two important settings/parameters missing.
I put in a support call with MS and found the two parameters that I needed to get this to work. Without these parameters, the meeting requests/invitations will never get forwarded to the delegates because the resource mailbox itself always auto accepts the requests. The two parameters that were needed are –AllBookInPolicy $false and –AllRequestInPolicy $true. This was nothing complicated, so I don’t know why MS doesn’t make this info easier to find. Here is a sample command (I also have other additional parameters which aren't required):
Set-CalendarProcessing TestConfRoom -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -MaximumDurationInMinutes 0 –BookingWindowInDays 365 –AllBookInPolicy $false –AllRequestInPolicy $true -ResourceDelegates,
The delegate(s) will get copied on all requests and must approve them, otherwise the requests will only show as tentative on the resource calendar and the organizer (requestor) will receive an acknowledgement that the meeting was booked tentatively. The delegates will also be given editor permission to the calendar and "send on behalf of" permission to the mailbox (this is similar to adding delegates using Outlook).
Below are some screenshots I took during my testing.
- The two parameter settings when viewed in Exchange Management Console.
- Response to requestor, showing that the request is pending approval (waiting for delegate to approve).
- This is the meeting invitation that was forwarded to the delegate.
Tags: doesn't work, Equipment Mailbox, not working, Room Mailbox
January 9th, 2012 at 4:32 PM
I have been and still am having issues with this! I tried the exact settings you have stated but it is still not working, delegates do not receive a copy of the meeting request! HELP?!
January 9th, 2012 at 4:37 PM
Hello: Thank you for visiting the blog. Have you tried creating a new resource mailbox from scratch, and then applying the same settings I have in my example? Are you using Exchange 2010 with SP1?