2011-01-21 Updated
2011-01-15 Initial Post
I know Exchange Server 2003 is old by now, but the client I work for still uses it, so I had set up my own test environment at home. I've worked with Exchange since 5.5, so it's not new to me. I'm also certified on Exchange Server 2007, so I'm up-to-date on the current versions.
I'm posting these screenshots and notes up here for reference. These show some of the AD modifications that are made when Exchange is installed/AD prepared. Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 basically modify AD the same way, so this is good to know. Here's a good article on what ForestPrep and DomainPrep do to AD. Note that in Exchange Server 2007 and 2010, ForesPrep and DomainPrep are no longer used, and PrepareSchema and PrepareAD are used instead. (more…)